What Is This Blog

This blog started in the early hours of Tuesday 10th November 2015, and is still going in my first job as a priest in 2024: army chaplain.

It documents my experience of:

- a calling to ordained ministry in the Church of England
- the discernment process in the Church of England
- being a Church of England ordinand
- being a Church of England curate
- a calling to army chaplaincy
- being an army chaplain

It is meant to be read in chronological order, because it's a story, but everything is titled and tagged in a (hopefully) ordered and comprehensible way, with helpful links to any concepts or terminology that might be unknown, so jumping around to more relevant bits out of order shouldn't be too tricky.

I try to link back to anything I reference that needs backstory, as it were, as I write each post under the assumption that the reader is up-to-date on the rest of the blog; and Steps On My Journey is a very basic progress page summarising the discernment process and how far I am along in real-time (as long as I remember to update my progress...) 

The title comes from Psalm 143, verse 8. This discernment process for me is not just for the Church to judge if they recognise my call as being to ordination, but also for me to ask God to 'show me the way I should walk in' so that I may hear the voice that says 'This is the way; walk in it.' (Is 30:21)



  1. Hi Georgina, I also have found my calling in Isaiah 30:21. I have found a certainty in my vocation, finally! I am in a period of personal discovery and “improvement” before I discuss my future with my rector. I am on retreat in July with the church and according to “The Boss” (����) it is then I should begin my discussions. One burning question I have that is worrying me is how on earth do I support myself financially when training begins? I’ve been a hairdresser for the last 10 years so obviously can’t do that and train at the same time. Thank you and God bless you, your blog is a fantastic resource for the confused and wobbly amongst us!

    1. You should research the various training options, there are plenty that include training around employment. Plus if you’re going thru the Church of England they have a solid policy on making sure no one is unable to train due to financial matters.
